2013년 1월 29일 화요일

My hobby is drawing

My hobby is drawing

What is your hobby? Many people have many hobby. Any person’s hobby is soccer, which is grow the body ablilty, cooperation skill. other people said their hobby is read a book. Reading book is increased knowledge or sensibility. And Another people like listen a music, see a movie, etc……. If you ask me ‘What’s your hobby?’, I answer that ‘my hobby is drawing the picture’. Drawing the picture train object's understanding and art's skill

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  First, the Merit drawing picture is that growing object's understanding . For example, If you draw a rose . You can't drawing the rose exactly. You must watch and observe the real rose. As well, If you draw a people, the picture is bad shape. We must realize that a human body; hands length, legs length and shoulders wide. It is very important thing that you observe and copy the picture. If you do not observe and understand about the object. You couldt drawing the good picture. So drawing need to objects understanding, and this skill grow by many drawing the picture

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Second. You can increase a sense of beauty. Drawing need to not only many observe but also individual change. For instance. Follow the sunflower. This picture isnt same to real picture. But it become the individual picture due to distortion and change. Next, it is very simple picture its painting is unlike the real picture but this painting is very attractive. This distortion and change is made by your expression. many people have a different personality. This means that you can talk special expression. Drawing can growing a sense of beauty like your expression. and can view the everything especially

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Growing the object's understanding and art's skill is best merit about drawing the picture. You can realize some objects feature that you dont know. As well. You can practice special expression on your own. Drawing is very great hobby

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